Friday Program | Saturday Program

Die Lustigen Almdudler
North America’s Premier German Band for all occasions!
Ob zuenftig, bayrisch, alpenlaendisch oder modern… wir spielen alles fuer Sie gern!
Original, Bavarian, Alpine or Modern…..we play it all.
SGTEV Hirschjäger Bavarian Dancers
The SGTEV Hirschjäger Dancers have performed traditional Bavarian Folk Dances for the Richmond Oktoberfest since 1969. Fun and educational!

ACCA Sauerkrauts Band
The ACCA Temple (Shrine) Sauerkrauts German Band was formed in 1976 by Philip Johnson, then Potentate of ACCA Temple, with the assistance of a fellow ACCA Band clarinet player, Robert Ashworth. It was subsequently led by Dr. Marion (Mike) Rice, who served as President until 2007 when current Director, John Stenstrom, assumed the reins.

der Zeremonienmeister
(Master of Ceremonies)
Hans Steinen

Männer Chor
The Gesangverein Virginia will be singing the National Anthems of the United States and Germany.

There will be a men’s and women’s Beer Stein Hoisting contest. Come and participate or just watch the guys and girls Beer Stein Hoisting Contest. Don’t miss the fun, marvel at the strength and stamina of the contestants. The winner of each contest will receive a very special three liter beer stein.

The Kinder Korner program is designed for children to take part in age related activities during the Oktoberfest. The hours of operation are from 7:00 – 9:00 PM on Friday, and 4:00 – 9:00 PM on Saturday. This is a designated area in the fest hall for them to be able to make crafts, have their face painted, and participate in table games. Our goal is to implement a safe area for children to actively participate. Adult volunteers will supervise the kids and guide them
through the activities.

Join everyone in the Oktoberfest Parade each night! This is for all of die Kinder (adults and children). Lead by der Bürgermeister. Line up at 6:50 for everyone each evening and around 4:00 for the Kinder Parade on Saturday. Look for the signs to know where to go (or better yet, ask der Bürgermeister).